Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving adventure

My parents and brother are in town for the holiday. We have had a nice time. On Thursday we were at my aunt and uncle's house. Everyone was finishing the meal when my mom walked into the kitchen and asked if anyone had any benadryl. Jake walked into the kitchen and his whole face was beet red. He was allergic to something.

Thankfully my uncle's dad was there and he is a retired physician. Once Jake's tongue began to swell Dr. Estes decided he needed to go to the emergency room. So he and my parents spent the rest of the afternoon in the hospital. They made it home just in time for dinner.

We have come to the conclusion that Jake is allergic to kiwi. And I made the fruit salad. So the joke is that I was trying to off my brother.


Anonymous said...

oh my! i'm glad he's ok and seems to have a good sense of humor about it.

Larissa said...

I can only imagine the drama that caused! :) He's never eaten a kiwi before??? Glad he's okay!

Cheri said...

Glad he's ok - but what a good story!