Monday, September 8, 2008


Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and power to choose our response. In those choices lie our growth and our happiness.

I received this quote recently and it has been on my mind ever since. I am always talking myself out of action. My response is usually no. I always pray that my answer will be YES. Every time I answer with a no I feel safe, but disappointed by my choice. Over the last week or so when I think about doing something that is uncomfortable or pushes me instead of resisting I have been choosing to follow through and say yes.

At church yesterday the question was posed to us would we be willing to do whatever God asks of us. I have heard this lesson before, but I usually discounted it. I'm not sure what I will choose in that next space but I do desire growth and happiness.


Cheri said...

What a challenge! Thanks for providing me with a much-needed thought.

Becky said...

for me, yes means strength.

Chrissy Cross said...

Sometimes growing hurts a little bit. But, it is so easier to stay in your comfort zone!! Some times I need a little kick in the pants to help me along.

Emily said...

Watch this video. I was going to post it to my blog but then I read your post and it's just too perfect... this woman is talking about the same thing you are.

Larissa said...

I've read that somewhere's a great thought. Love you!

Anonymous said...

Wow! That's a really cool quote. Gives me something to think about. It's good to hear from you. :)